The protective device "Vernada-car"The protective device "Vernada-car" developed by "Spinor International" Ltd. by using a standard adapter designed to charge various gadgets. Inverter module using the adapter is connected to "a plus" of car battery. This eliminates the negative impact on passengers and the driver of the vehicle electronics, the engine itself. Using the protective device allovs to reduce substantially driver fatigue, easier travel along sections of road with a negative impact on the driver - (geopathic zone technopathogenic road sections, road sections adjacent to the base stations of mobile phones, wind turbine ets.). |
спинор, форпост, торсионные поля, аура, forpost, spinor, здоровье человека, защита, излучение, защита от излучений, биополе, безопасность, информационное, электромагнитное, компонента, нейтрализация, волны, GSM телефон, связь, базовые станции, мобильный телефон, биозащита, биологическое воздействие |