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Vernada Geo
Vernada Car
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"Spinor International" company is one of leaders in area of development and production facilities for man defence from negative influencing of the torsion (information) fields, generated by different electronic technique which is used in everyday life.

Our company offer for your devices that after 15 years of researches and use we consider as the most effective:


Устройство "Спинор"Spinor
Device for man protection against the negative influence of a torsion (information) component of electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones

Устройство "Форпост-1"Forpost-1
Device for man protection against the negative influence of a torsion (information) component of electromagnetic radiation emitted by monitors of the personal computers, TV sets, other electronic technique

Устройство "Vernada"Vernada Geo
Device is your protecting
from negative influence of
geopatogenic zones
in apartments.  

Устройство "Vernada"Vernada
Device is protectiong from negative influence
of the base stations of
mobile communication networks.  

Устройство "Vernada Car"Vernada Car
Device eliminates the negative impact on passengers and the driver of the vehicle electronics, the engine itself.  



     Spinor International 2000-2012 Main About us Products Contacts


спинор, форпост, торсионные поля, аура, forpost, spinor, здоровье человека, защита, излучение, защита от излучений, биополе, безопасность,

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SAPE ERROR: :, type: file_get_contents

информационное, электромагнитное, компонента, нейтрализация, волны, GSM телефон, связь, базовые станции, мобильный телефон, биозащита, биологическое воздействие